Lumbar Spine and Pelvis Issues
Do you have chronic back pain that's affecting your quality of life?
Do you have pain running down your leg when you sit or walk for too long?
Are your hip flexors chronically tight?
Over the last 15 years, Peta has specialised in the treatment and rehabilitation of lumbar spine issues and pelvic girdle pain.
She has studied extensively in various methods of treatment including muscle energy techniques and visceral manipulation.
She has also trained with renowned Canadian therapists Dianne Lee (the Integrated Systems Model™) and LJ Lee (Connect Therapy™) to target the pelvis and lumbar spine in a comprehensive biomechanical and holistic approach.
Peta is able to provide a thorough assessment and rehabilitation plan to meet your individual needs.
Common areas include:
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
Sacroiliac joint incompetence
Sacral injuries
Coccyx pain
Lumbar disc injuries
Facet joint pain
Pubic and groin pain
Muscle imbalance